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Five Decks That Survive Standard Rotation

Writer's picture: Dakota RicciDakota Ricci

Updated: Nov 10, 2020

Rotation is quickly approaching and it brings with it the existential dread of all of your favorite cards fading away into obscurity. 2020 was been a unique year with Magic being almost exclusively played online so the sting of rotation shouldn't hurt as much. Either way Fellowship Games is here to help you plan ahead and look at some decks that will be surviving rotation.

Jeskai Cycling

Jeskai Cycling consists of cards almost exclusively from Ikoria. It's dirt cheap to build with the cost being around $70 in paper, $50 of which comes from the four copies of Sacred Foundry. Which happens to be the only card the archetype losses in the main deck. It also loses Grafdigger's Cage in the sideboard, but I'm sure we will get another piece of graveyard hate after rotation. If you're looking for a cheap deck that losses virtually nothing then I would highly recommend Jeskai Cycling.

Temur Adventures

Temur Adventures is in a similar situation to Jeskai Cycling with having basically all of its cards coming from one set. All but two cards in the main deck come from Throne of Eldraine with those being Aether Gust and Nissa, Who Shakes the World. The deck also losses its shock lands and a few sideboard cards, but overall nothing too severe. I'm confident that the deck will stay consistent with three colors by having cards like Ketria Triome and Beanstalk Giant staying around.

Mono Red

Mono-Red does lose some important creatures such as Scorch Spitter and Tin Street Dodger. Runaway Steam-Kin is a pretty big deal as well but not every version of the deck has played it during its time in standard. Especially versions that were trying to go lower to the ground and kill quickly with Embercleave. Light Up the Stage is a powerful way for the deck to refuel, and although I am confident for the deck's future, this card will be missed. The rest of the deck's powerhouse cards such as Anax, Hardened in the Forge, Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, Bonecrusher Giant, and Embercleave are all staying with us. The power level of these cards alone makes me feel that as long as WOTC prints at least playable red cards this deck will bounce back just fine. Embercleave itself is on a level of its own by having the capability of keeping decks that run it, such as Mardu Winota and Paw Blade functioning, despite them losing key creatures such as Legion Warboss and Tajic, Legion's Edge. Mono-Red has other cards available such as Slaying Fire, Phoenix of Ash, and even Tectonic Giant that could see play in a new standard.

Mono-Green Stompy

Mono-Green Stompy doesn't lose too many cards but it does lose some important ones. Pelt Collector is a very powerful one-drop and is unlikely to be replaced. Barkhide Troll is a solid two-drop and Vivien, Arkbow Ranger is another powerful card that is unlikely to be replaced. However, I still think the deck has potential after rotation. Garruk, Unleashed could help carry some of the weight dropped by Vivien if we don't get another solid midrange green planeswalker. The deck could splash white for Conclave Mentor which gives the deck another two-drop and you could add some Wildwood Scourge and perhaps even Basri Ket. This is one of the decks I'm the most excited for because I love Conclave Mentor and would be happy to see it have a run at the top of the meta.

Dimir Flash

Flash style decks have existed in many different forms, from Simic, to Temur, Dimir, and straight Mono-Blue. Simic versions of Flash decks will almost certainly not exist. Sure you have Wildborn Preserver sticking around but losing Frilled Mystic and Nightpack Ambush is too much. Dimir Flash is what I'm excited about with all of the Ikoria goodies staying around. We will probably need a replacement for Spectral Sailor eventually but the foundation of Brazen Borrower, Slitherwisp, Sea-Dasher Octopus, Cunning Nightbonder, and some cheap interaction such as Heartless Act, and Neutralize is enough to get me hopeful for the future of Dimir Flash.

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