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A Beginners Guide To Blue ImperialDramon (BT5 ENG)

Writer's picture: Dakota RicciDakota Ricci

After playing with the Blue Starter deck, Blue Imperialdramon was the first competitive archetype I graduated to in the Digimon TCG. With a straight forward game plan that leads to explosive kills, Blue Imperialdramon is a great deck to start off your competitive journey. The deck plays similar to Rookie Rush except with some extra steps. Your working towards Imperialdramon at the top of your stack to finish the game with two or three attacks in a single turn! The deck is constantly digivolving so your hand is always filled with gas, and this makes the deck play with deadly consistency. This deck isn't the flashiest deck in the meta but its ability to kill makes it a deck to be feared in any meta. So if you're looking for a deck to crush your locals then consider giving this list a try! This version of the deck is straight forward to help new players ease their way into the archetype. Stick around to the end where I'll also give alternatives and suggestions to help broaden your perspectives for this archetype. Deck List


The Digi Egg line up is very much solved with four copies of BT3 DemiVeemon and a singleton BT2 DemiVeemon for the fifth egg. BT3 DemiVeemon is a core of the deck as a source of card advantage whenever we attack with a Digimon with Jamming for the first time each turn. This makes our "free" attacks with things like Jamming Veemon and our Ultimates like Dinobeemon into card draw. The last egg slot can be used for different utility, but I decided on BT2 DemiVeemon for that extra DP boost. It comes up in match ups like Green where Imperialdramon can be out classed at 12000 DP so that extra 1000 DP can make a difference. Rookies:

Our Rookie line up is stacked with early aggression and set up plays. We're running five vanilla two-drops between Elecmon and starter deck Gomamon. This allows us to curve out like Rookie Rush to apply fast pressure. If we can rush in a few early security checks then we can set up a quick win with a triple attack from Imperialdramons. BT3 Jamming Veemon is by far one of the best Blue Rookies in the entire English Meta. It forms an incredible core with ExVeemon, a pairing that is also found in Blue Rookie Rush decks. Having the ability to unsuspend a Rookie with Jamming to get in another attack is very powerful. Our last Rookie is BT2 Veemon that draws us a card if the Digimon above it unsuspends during our Main Phase. This also works well with ExVeemon and of course Imperialdramon in combination with Paildramon. As a three Memory 2000 DP body it is not great as an early attacker so the game plan is to evolve it in the breeding area as part of our Imperialdramon stack. It feels really nice later in the game when we're attacking with Imperialdramons and we're drawing two cards thanks to this and BT3 DemiVeemon. Having all of this card draw really helps us grind against removal heavy decks like Purple and Yellow. Champions:

Our current Champion line up is basic but to the point. It has no need to be complicated as all of these options are very consistent. We have four Gorillamon because they're one to evolve and they have 6000 DP. That is actually important because it dodges Nidhoggmon and can attack into Blockers. With 6000 DP we can sometimes survive a security check and then unsuspend it with ExVeemon to either take another security or keep it safe from counter attacks. Sometimes our opening hand looks a lot like Rookie Rush and in those situations Gorillamon is very strong. We've already established how excellent ExVeemon is with Jamming Veemon, Gorillamon, and unsuspending BT2 Veemon to draw cards. It's really important that you get the most of of your ExVeemons so patience is key. Don't be afraid to hold it in hand as you set up these other plays to make the most of its damage potential. It's always important to understand the floor of what a card can do and what its ceiling is. Always try to hit the ceiling and you'll win more games. With four copies you will need to just digivolve in the breeding area for two and miss out on the value just to get your game started so you could trim a copy or two. Even though this list is only running two copies, Lobomon is a stupid-good card! Being able to evolve from a Tamer and attack with it busted and it feels like your stealing games when you attack for lethal. We're running a 2-3 split between Lobomon and Davis, and I like running more Davis than Lobomon because I want to make sure that we have a Davis in play early to evolve into. Now the dullest but still essential in my opinions are the three copies of Coelamon. Having Blockers in play wasn't super essential in the BT4 format and was actually a liability thanks to cards like ST4 HerculesKabuterimon and BT4 Yellow WarGreymon. But with Purple on the rise in BT5 those decks will be putting a lot of Rookies back into play from Trash so having Blockers will save you from that late game Rookie rush. Also I just personally really enjoy Grizzlymon as a 6000 DP Blocker that can block all of the vanilla 5000 DP Rookies like Liollmon and hard casting it for five memory really isn't that bad. Unfortunately costing one memory is a huge upside which is why we're running Coelamon instead. Getting up the chain to Imperialdramon is all we care about and doing so as efficiently as possible is key.

Ultimates & Megas:

Jamming is very important for this deck and none of the Jammers are more important than the ones in the Ultimate slot. For that reason we're running playsets of both Paildramon and Dinobeemon for their own unique capabilities. Piercing is a scary ability and it allows Dinobeemon to go after small Digimon while still chipping away at the opponents security. Paildramon is the best supporting piece for Imperialdramon with the inheritable ability allowing them to unsuspend once per turn. This allows us to swing Paildramon into security, then unsuspending it when we digivolve into Imperialdramon to swing again, to unsuspend it again with the inheritable, and then swing in again for a third attack. BT5 Blitz Omnimon takes things to another level and lets us get in a fourth attack chain with the Imperialdramon stack. Assuming we start the turn with 3 memory from Davis, we can attack with Paildramon, go into Imperialdramon for another 2 attacks, and then go into Omnimon to unsuspend for a fourth attack. Blitz makes this all possible so that we can attack even if we give to opponent memory. The other ability allows us to trash a level 6 that's underneath it to negate anything that tries to remove it. In a meta full of Yellow, Green, and Purple, this allows our "big Rookie Rush" deck to compete in the late game. Options & Tamers:

To finish off the deck we have our Option and Tamer cards. Davis Motomiya is an outstanding Blue Tamer and a huge pillar of the deck. The deck is never really short on cards because of Digivolving but being able to dig three cards deep to find whatever piece you're missing makes the deck run like a well-oiled machine. We are running four Green Digimon in Dinobeemon so occasionally we end up drawing two cards which is a massive deal. Not to mention that both our Ultimates and Megas cost three to evolve so having three memory every turn allows us to make these important plays while still having a turn to attack. I believe that having this memory advantage early is so important that I was all in on Davis with four copies, but I trimmed one for Omnimon. I am never against dropping this early on turn one or two, and three copies lets us see it early and comes from security once in awhile. Hammer Spark is a staple in any deck that is base Blue and for good reason. Having access to extra memory from your hand is powerful option and I generally like to hold them in my hand until the turn that I explode onto the battlefield to try and go for game. Cocytus Breath is a great bounce spell and is gifted at generating rage quits from during security checks. Even playing it from hand can be a great tempo play when you're already ahead, or can be that extra breathing room to help you catch up on board. Alternatives:

If you're looking to spice up the deck list to include some more variety or sneaky tech then you have plenty of option for throughout the deck. BT1 Upamon can be an option for the fifth Digi Egg because it can occasionally draw cards if the opponent has a Digimon with no digivolution sources. For Rookies I am considering trimming either a pair of BT2 Veemon or two Elecmon for BT1 Gomamon. Getting an extra memory by suiciding it into the opponent's security could help us get a head on board if we have Hammer Spark in hand. So far I like having the ability to go wide and rush but BT1 Gomamon could be useful. Four copies of ExVeemon can be a bit much so we've been contemplating going down to three copies. Tobiumon is on my radar as another one memory to evolve Champion but can be played like a Rookie for only three memory. So if we open up a trash hand with no Rookies we could drop this. I'd also consider cutting it for another Mega and go down to twelve Champions. I'm thinking MirageGaogamon as a stand alone powerhouse that actually can be very powerful in this deck. Four memory is a bit much but a lot of decks sit around with cards in hand so it could end up gaining us a lot of memory. That memory could be used to evolve into Imperialdramon or play other cards to take over the game. It's also Unblockable which allows it to get in for damage. Lastly, I've considered trimming a Dinobeemon for something like Beowolfmon or AeroVeedramon. I'm more sold on Beowolfmon as it already comes with Jamming and synergizes well with Lobomon. If we get it on top of Lobomon then it can't be attacked which means it will draw out a removal spell if they want to get rid of it. I'm less sold on AeroVeedramon as putting Imperialdramon onto it is just straight up bad. I do like it for unsuspending shenanigans and it can give Omnimon Jamming in the late game. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the site's first deck profile! If you like what you saw then please browse the site where you can find links to you our YouTube Channels, Twitch, and Discord so you can join The Fellowship.

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