Tis the season for gift-giving, and I hope you got what you wanted this holiday season. Anything to help with this horrendous year. Unfortunately for our Historic opponents, they will be receiving gifts, but not ones they will like. We'll be handing out our season beatings as we look to rummage through our deck to bring back threats with God-Pharaoh's Gift. Join us as we stuff our graveyard, and open gifts from the God-Pharaoh as we unleash a Christmas beating on our opponents.
God-Pharaoh's Gift and Refurbish became synonymous with one another during their time in Standard, and that power translates well in the Historic format. The entire deck is built around fueling our graveyard so that we can start eternalizing our creatures later. Refurbish allows us to cheat a God-Pharaoh's Gift into play early so that can get it out at a cheaper mana cost.
Churning through our deck is a breeze with both Champion of Wits and Minister of Inquiries spilling cards into our graveyard. Champion of Wits is the all-star of the deck as it not only lets us loot for two cards, but it also eternalizes itself to help us sift through even more cards later. Minister allows us to start milling ourselves later and then gets on chump blocking duty once we run out of energy. Chart a Course and Strategic Planning are the blood of the deck as they allow us fantastic card selection so that we can get our key cards into the graveyard. Whether we're looking to assemble our graveyard engine, or just looking for that right answer, these cards make it all happen.
Angel of Invention is our premiere reanimation target by coming down as a 6/6 after we eternalize it. Pumping our dorks +1/+1 helps us close out the game, and the Flying, Vigilance, and Lifelink helps us stabilize our life total as we start applying pressure. Skyclave Apparition is fantastic removal but turning it into a 4/4 turns it into a true threat. These are our best targets for God-Pharaoh's Gift, and will be what we win most of our games with.
For extra interaction, we have Aether Gust to give us a boost against all of the green-based midrange decks, and it doesn't hurt that it helps against Goblins. Wrath of God is our catch-all against decks that come out of the gates aggressively when we need to reset the board. Skyclave Apparition is still our best interaction most of the time but these round out the deck for other situations.
To finish off the rest of the curve we have some added utility in our land slots. Skyclave Cleric helps stem the bleeding against burn decks, and we have Glasspool Mimic to copy any creature we control. These cards can also be brought back with God-Pharaoh's Gift so that we can get that value from the graveyard. We're also running two Grafdigger's Cage in the main which has become a staple of the Historic format, and a Search for Azcanta for more card selection. Sideboard
In the sideboard, we have plenty of tools to help against control decks. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria is one of the best control cards in the format, and we have Chemister's Insight for extra card advantage. We have a counterspell package with Dovin's Veto as our super Negate, Mystical Dispute for anything touching Blue, and Disdainful Stroke which is also great against the ramp decks. For creature decks, we have Glass Casket, and Authority of the Consuls to make Muxus look stupid. And lastly another Grafdigger's Cage to dunk on Muxus further.
Well, I hope you enjoyed our attempt at a Christmas themed deck. Azorius Gifts isn't top tier but it has made a noticeable impact on the Historic format, and I'm excited to see how the deck evolves in the coming months. For more Magic content make sure to follow us on Twitch to see us playing Arena. Also, check out our YouTube channel for video deck techs and also tabletop gameplay which will be coming soon. Join the Discord to get in on the hype during Kaldheim spoiler season, and follow us on Instagram to keep up with everything we're doing. Thanks again for reading and for joining the Fellowship.
