Community Day is just a few days away and we at Fellowship Games want to make sure you have everything you need to make the most of it. The event is on Saturday, October 17, 2020 and will run from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm local time. In today's article, we'll discuss some general tips for Community Day as well as the following features and bonuses that will be active.
General Tips:
These tips reign true for every Community Day and are good habits to get into.
The first is to clear out your Pokemon Storage. If you plan on grinding out the entire six hours then it is of the utmost importance to make sure you're stopping as little as possible. Avoid stopping to appraise and transfer by having around 500 storage space free before the event. 500 is a lot but is a safe number if you plan on doing the hardcore grind. As you will see with some other suggestions if that number is too big for you to reach then try and get as close as you can to that number.
Now that your Pokemon Storage is nice and empty you will need Pokeballs to help you fill it back up. Prioritize having as many Great and Ultra balls as possible. Charmander can be a difficult Pokemon to make stay in the ball so having these stronger options helps with preventing their escape. If you're using the quick catch method then you definitely want these to make sure you catch them with one throw. There's no specific number I'm recommending just get a hold of as many as you possibly can.
Pinap berries are essential to new players that need tons of candy. Charmander is becoming quite rare so make sure to use Pinap berries to help you reach that threshold of candies. Using Pinap berries and having Ulta Balls go hand in hand. You don't want to spend multiple berries on the same Charmander so Great and Ultra balls help you catch it on the first throw. Having some Razz or Golden Razz berries is useful on shinnies to help secure that catch, so make sure you have some of those sitting in your bag.
Since we will be having the 3x catch stardust bonus, which we'll talk more about later, it will be worth collecting as many 10km eggs as possible. We also have the new 12km eggs that will also be giving lots of stardust when hatched. Community Day events sometimes have a hatch stardust bonus but it will be worth hatching as many of these eggs as possible since we are encouraged to use star pieces during the event.
3× Catch Stardust
Incense activated during the event will last for three hours.
Charmander will be appearing more frequently in the wild. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!
Evolve Charmeleon (the evolved form of Charmander) during the event or up to two hours afterward to get a Charizard that knows Dragon Breath.
Take a few snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!
There’ll be a special one-time-purchase October Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins, featuring an Elite Charged TM, three Super Incubators, three Star Pieces, and 30 Ultra Balls.
Complete event-exclusive Timed Research and Field Research tasks to earn Charizard Mega Energy!
For US$1 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the October Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, A Tale of Tails. Rewards for this story will include Charizard Mega Energy.
We'll start with the most important bonus which is the 3x catch stardust. Stardust is the single most important resource in the game. Whether you're powering up Pokemon for raids or the Go Battle League, you can never have too much stardust. With that said, I recommend putting on star pieces for the entire six hours. Twelve star pieces total which you can buy in the shop, which has them in bundles of eight for 640 coins. If you're someone who spends little to no money on Pokemon Go I will say that if you do decide on spending any money on this event then put those coins towards Star Pieces. This 3x catch stardust bonus is the highlight of the event and is the best stardust related bonus we get all year. If you still decide not to spend any money on Star Pieces then you can use all of these tips to still maximize on the event within your budget.
The three-hour incense duration is another staple of community day grinding, by adding plenty of addition spawn over the course of six hours. If you are low on incense it may be worth getting some for the event as you will only need two for the entire event. It is also worth pointing out that you can use extra incense during the event for additional three-hour durations after Community Day is over. This is a lot of grinding for one day but is a useful trick for Trainers looking to continue the grind after the event is over.
Community Day has two other features that will increase the number of Charmander encounters we get, hopefully giving us another shiny. One is the surprise encounters from taking snapshots. I am notorious for forgetting this feature myself. Every once in awhile, stop to take a picture of your buddy and you may be rewarded with an extra shiny. I'll definitely be mindful of this feature to avenge my loss to Matt and Sue Ann during our Porygon Community Day vlog. The other way to get more encounters is the $1 exclusive research. Although the price tag is harmless enough, I find the tasks tedious and time-consuming like stopping to evolve and transfer Pokemon. If you are looking to play at a more relaxed pace and are willing to spend the money then this is a way to sneak in an extra shiny. Do note in the original post from Niantic that you will not receive a medal for completing it.
If you prioritize getting Mega Charizard energy you can grind out the field research tasks during the event and complete the timed research during Community Day. Make sure to not spin the stops in the area you're playing in until the event starts to get the field research tasks. The paid research also has Mega Charizard energy if you prioritize that.
The event is giving Charizard the exclusive move of Dragon Breath. This is important for Maga Charizard X since it becomes a Dragon-type in addition to Fire. There is plenty of speculation on what is going to happen on December Community Day and whether or not we will be able to evolve a Charmander to get both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn on our Charizards. We will be posting an article tomorrow with our best guesses as to what may happen and if we should be evolving our best Charmanders on Saturday or should we be saving them for December. With Blast Burn being the most important move on a Charizard it is important to weigh out our options.
With all of that, I hope you have everything you need to maximize out on Charmander Community Day. Make sure to follow us on Instagram to make sure you get notified on when the Charizard article drops tomorrow. Give us a subscribe on our YouTube Channel to see when our Charmander Community Day vlog gets posted. Thanks for reading and good luck shiny hunting on Saturday!