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Electabuzz Community Day Prep Guide

Writer: Dakota RicciDakota Ricci

Community day is just around the corner! It will be happening on Sunday, November 15, from 11:00, am to 5:00 pm local time, but if you want to make the most of the event the time to start preparing is now. Today, we'll go over some tips you'll want to keep in mind for every community day, as well as some specifics for this event.

General Tips

If you haven't started already, it's time to start collecting Pokeballs. Gathering as many as your bag can hold is crucial for maximizing on community days. Ultra and Great balls are ideal, as they can save you a ton of time. With Pokeballs you may have to Razz often which takes up time that could be used for catching. This is especially important if you're going really hard with the quick catch method, it's not to quick if you have to throw multiple balls at the same mon, or use Razz Berries. That being said, Pokeballs will work if you have nothing else.

Now it's time to make room in your storage to use the balls you have collected. The amount of storage you need really depends on how hard you plan to go during this event. As a general rule, 500 storage is usually safe for a community day. If you only plan to play for an hour or so, catch a few shinies and then call it quits, you won't need this much. But if you want to play the whole 6 hours and quick catch the entire time, you'll need much more than this. Last month I did this for the Charmander Community day because of the 3x catch stardust bonus, and I ended up needing about 800-1000 storage. You can of course transfer during the event, so if these numbers are unobtainable for you, that's okay. Just try to clear up as much storage as you can. Pinap Berries can be very helpful if you only have a few hours to play, or if you want to evolve lots of Electabuzz during the event. You gain a huge amount of candies very quickly by Pinaping every mon you encounter. This is a good event to use them since Electabuzz tends to be a rare pokemon in the wild. A shadow Electabuzz can be rescued from a Rocket Grunt but I find this to be quite rare too. This is a great time to use those Great and Ultra balls you've saved up. You don't want to be using multiple barries on the same Electabuzz, and using better balls will help catch it on the first throw

If you happen to have some premier berries you can use them during this event too. Silver Pinaps are good if you want the bonus of a Razz and Pinap berry. These would be good for weather boosted or high cp Electabuzz. Golden Razzes are Goated when you encounter a Shiny. The last thing you want is for a shiny to run from you, which is why I always Golden Razz and Ultra Ball the shinies I come across.


  • 1/4 Hatch Distance for Eggs placed in Incubators during the event.

  • Incense activated during the event will last for three hours.


  • Electabuzz will be appearing more frequently in the wild. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!

  • Evolve Electabuzz during the event or up to two hours afterward to get an Electivire that knows Flamethrower.

  • Take a few snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!

  • There’ll be a special one-time-purchase Electabuzz Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins, featuring an Elite Fast TM, three Super Incubators, three Incense, and 30 Ultra Balls.

  • Event-exclusive Timed Research and Field Research tasks will be available! By completing Timed Research tasks, you’ll be able to earn Sinnoh Stones and other items.

  • For US$1 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the Electabuzz Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, Electric for Electabuzz.

  • Elekid will be hatching from 2 km Eggs.

The bonus for this community day is 1/4 egg hatch distance. This is helpful because the only way to get yourself an Elekid this event is to hatch one from a 2km egg. Beyond that though, I recommend gathering as many 10km and 12km eggs as you can before the event. 12km is a lot to walk (especially for a trubbish), so being able to incubate one of these during this event to only walk 3km is huge. I find I can easily walk 3km during a community day, so you can hatch that quickly and move on to hatching some 2km (0.5km during the event) to hopefully hatch a shiny Elekid. Three-hour incense is always a great bonus, and I will always recommend using incense for the entire time you're playing. You only have to use 2 to gain the benefits for the whole event, and the benefits are definitely worth it. Additional spawns are very important whether you're looking to catch shinies of pvp ivs. The bonus extends beyond the event too if you're a hardcore player since you can stack incense. You can use as many as you want during the event and they'll all last 3 hours. Something to keep in mind while you're playing is the surprise snapshot encounter. This is a great way to get some extra spawns throughout the day and maybe clutch up an extra shiny. You'll want a great buddy with you anyways for the catch assist, so if you're bad for remembering this bonus, use that as a reminder. If your buddy helps you catch, go take a snapshot with it.

There will be a couple of things you can buy in the shop this Community day. One is a ticket for a special research story: Electric for Electabuzz. This will be $1 USD and will include extra spawns and Sinnoh stones. The stones are required to evolve an Electabuzz, but they are also available from field researches, so don't feel like you need to buy this. It can also slow down your gameplay, with tasks like transfer 10 pokemon, or power up a pokemon 5 times. The other Community day exclusive in the shop is the Community Day box for 1280 coins. This is also not essential if you already have 2 incense and have prepared some Ultra balls, but it is helpful to buy if you can afford it. This is one of the few ways to get an Elite Fast TM so if you want a legacy move for pvp this box will be worth it. It also comes with 3 incense so you'll net 1 if use then during this event, 3 super incubators, which would help clear out the 12kms you've collected, and 30 Ultra Balls, which will help fill your bag up with shinies.

And finally, the exclusive move. If you evolve an Electabuzz before November 15, 7 PM local time, you get an Electivire that knows flamethrower. This probably won't help it as a raid attacker, since Electivire wants to be an electric raid attacker with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge. Flamethrower does have some potential in pvp though, which Dakota will break down in an article tomorrow. So if you're interested in using Electivire in pvp make sure to check that out. I hope you've enjoyed reading, and you're now ready to get the most out of Electabuzz Community day. If you want to get notified when the Flamethrower article drops tomorrow, make sure to follow us on Social Media. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel if you want to see our Electabuzz Community day vlog and watch us forget about the snapshot encounter. You can join our Discord if you want to challenge us in some pvp or if you just want to Join the Fellowship. Thanks for reading, and good luck catching those shinies on Sunday!



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