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Going Delirious in Pauper

Writer's picture: Dakota RicciDakota Ricci

We're feeling delirious today with Jund Delirium in Pauper. This was one of the first decks I made in the format years ago and I couldn't get to my liking so we're giving it some much-needed upgrades today. Much like the Modern Jund decks, we have cheap threats and very efficient removal. We also need to strike a balance with our card types to get delirium online, so we have a careful blend of types across the list. If you like cheap threats and killing everything your opponent plays then do we have the deck for you!


Threshold and Delirium are two abilities that go hand in hand as they both get better as we interact with the opponent and mill cards into our graveyard. Nimble Mongoose and Werebear are our Threshold threats with Werebear helping us ramp as well as being a 4/4 later on, while Nimble Mongoose becomes a one-mana 3/3 with Shroud to resist removal. Going back to Shadows Over Innistrad Standard limited we have the pauper Tarmogoyf in Moldgraf Scavenger. A two-mana 0/4 blocks early aggression and once we get Delirium it can go on the offensive as a 3/4. To finish off the threat count we have a pair of Thraben Foulbloods and Backwoods Survivalist. Both have a bit of evasion with menace on Foulbloods and trample on the Survivalists to help is finish the game quickly.


The entire deck has a great variety to help get Delirium, including our removal spells. Dead Weight and Seal of Fire are both enchantments that deal with two toughness creatures at sorcery speed. Tarfire is just a shock but it adds two card types to the graveyard because Delirium does count Tribal, and we also have Lightning Bolt for more instant speed removal. Terminate was once my go-to catch-all removal spell but Cast Down does basically the same thing and is easier on the mana base. We also have Abrade that can deal three damage to a creature or blow up an artifact like Bonder's Ornament. To finish off we have Flame Slash to go after bigger four toughness creatures and Suffocating Fumes to give us some main deck coverage against go-wide strategies.

Graveyard Fuel

When we're not deploying threats or removing things, we're working towards Delirium by getting cards into our graveyard. Faithless Looting is one of the best ways to fuel your graveyard in Magic history. Just look at what it did in Modern resulting in its ban. Lucky for us we still have it in pauper, and it allows us to filter cards through our hand and dump whatever we want into the graveyard. Faithless Looting can get Delirium going on turn one with by discarding something like Vault of Whispers, any creature, and then the Looting we just played. Flashback allows us to get extra value from it later and could get Delirium going again later if the opponent cracked a Relic of Progenitus. Vessel of Nascency adds an enchantment that mills over cards and can get us a variety of card types back if we need a specific answer. Corpse Churn and Satyr Wayfinder do similar things for two mana, with Wayfinder being able to find us lands, while Corpse Churn can bring back any creature from our graveyard back to our hand. Lastly, we have Pulse of Murasa to get us back threats and give us a huge amount of life to help us stabilize. Mana Base

Nothing too fancy here with Ash Barrens and Evolving Wilds to help us play three colors. We also have both Thriving Moor and Grove to give us more options, as well as the classics such as Jungle Hollow. The artifact lands such as Tree of Tales are very important to the deck as they add more cards that have multiple card types. The singleton Perilous Myr in the main deck has the same purpose. Sideboard

Running through the sideboard we have Caustic Caterpillar and Ancient Grudge to deal with artifacts and enchantments. Nihil Spellbomb takes care of opposing graveyards and we have Unearth to get more value out of our own. Augur of Skulls comes in against control decks to counteract their card advantage and we have Read the Bones to gives us our own card draw. Shrivel gives us more answers to go-wide creature decks and Chainer's Edict helps against Boggle decks. Lastly, we have Weather the Storm and Brindle Boar to give us more life against burn decks. The deck has come a long way since I first put it together back in 2016. Pauper as a format has come a long way as well with Abrade and Cast Down being amazing additions to the format. If you like our Magic content then subscribe to us on Twitch where we play Arena every Monday night. We also have a YouTube channel with video deck techs and more content coming soon. If you're looking to chat about all things Magic then feel free to join our Discord where we would be happy to have you. Thanks so much for reading and for joining the Fellowship!



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