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Writer's pictureDakota Ricci

Magmortar and Thunderbolt in Go Battle League

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Magmortar has had virtually no presence in the Go Battle League since its launch early this year. That is due to Brick Break being the best move to run along with Fire Punch and the fact that Fire types struggle a bit in most Leagues, especially Great. Community Day is coming tomorrow and Magmortar is getting Thunderbolt as its exclusive move. Today we'll be going through the Ultra and Master Premier Cups to see if Thunderbolt can help it zap its way to some wins against the meta. Much like Electivire, those will be the leagues we'll be focusing on as that is where they would likely see the most play. If you're in the need of some general tips and advice to help you prep for Community Day then check out the guide Matt posted yesterday here. Brick Break is very lackluster and will be the move getting replace by Thunderbolt, and like always we'll be using for all of the data presented in this article.

Vs. Master Premier Meta Left is Brick Break - Right is Thunderbolt

Thunderbolt Magmortar does have some play in Masters Premier. Metagross was already a winning match up if you can shield the Earthquake, and we have even safer wins against Mamoswine, Heracross, and Escavalier. Thunderbolt makes the Togekiss match better by giving us a super-effective move of our own while we're resisting Charm damage. The Dragonite and Gyarados matches get pretty close with Dragonite taking neutral damage and Gyarados can be taken out completely if one lands. We still lose hard to things like Garchomp and Haxorus from the Dragon side of things, and Rhyperior smokes us as a Ground and Rock type. Waterfall absolutely shreds us so Milotic is very dangerous regardless of Thunderbolt. Swampert is the nightmare match up and we lose pretty much no matter what. The effectiveness of Thunderbolt is not too impressive overall but we have seen worse in our articles like this in the past and at the very least, Thunderbolt doesn't make any important match ups worse. Vs. Ultra Premier Meta Left is Brick Break - Right is Thunderbolt

Given the right teammates, Magmortar could already see play in Ultra Premier. It has winning match ups against top meta Pokemon like Venusaur, Magnezone, and Escavalier. Charmers such as Clefable and Togekiss are also covered. Machamp and Sirfetched are close match ups and we beat Charizard in the 1 shield, and not to mention Abomasnow gets completely murked. However, at a glance, it seems like nothing really changes, but Thunderbolt actually helps in a lot of close matches. Here is a possible team you could use.

Lapras is a good example of this where Brick Break Magmortar gets swept away by Surf and gives Lapras a battle rating of 657 and a 7 turn difference to flip the match up. Brick Break is a trash move and actually deals less damage than Fire Punch despite it being super effective. Thunderbolt does so much better and turns close that gap into a 3 turn difference for us to flip the match up. If Magmortar can farm something down beforehand or hit just a couple of Fire Spins beforehand then it can win this match up as demonstrated below.

Honchkrow is in a similar spot and actually only wins by a single turn. Something as simple as a slow switch from the opponent could flip this match up.

Overall Magmortar looks somewhat promising in Masters Premier and pretty decent in Ultra Premier given the right team. We'll be continuing our shiny hunting challenge in our vlog over on our YouTube channel, so check that out if you're interested. If you need some last-minute prep tips then read our article from yesterday where Matt goes over everything you need to know to max out on the event. Follow us on Instagram for updates to our streaming schedule on Twitch and join our Discord to get in touch with us. Thanks for reading and good luck getting after those shinnies and PvP IVs.

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