As we all know, rare wild cards are hard to come by on Arena. That can be incredibly frustrating as most competitive decks need quite a lot of them to complete. That's why in today's article we'll be beginning a new series called No Rares Needed, where we'll provide some exciting decks for you to run in Standard without needing to spend those precious rare wild cards. We'll be kicking off the series with one of my favorite decks and a classic budget archetype, Mono White Weenie. So summon the Hot Dog Knights as we traverse the maze of Standard in hopes of getting our free wishes. We have a decklist for you to copy straight onto Arena at the bottom of the page if you want to play the deck yourself.
Our game is simple, send out the weenies quickly to go wider than the opponent. That's step one, but then we need to juice up the Hot Dog Knights to close out the game. For this we have Basri's Solidarity and Heraldic Banner. Solidarity urges us to be super low to the ground which is why the deck plays so many one-drops. The card is pretty all-in so we want to be getting maximum counters on each one we cast. Putting +1/+1 counters on all of our weenies is pretty huge, even though playing it at sorcery speed can be kind of rough. Heraldic Banner only grants us +1/+0 but has the bonus of tapping for mana. This extra mana allows us to double spell, which is very important for some of our creatures such as Clarion Spirit. The extra mana can also come in clutch as the deck is a little land light. Weenies
Lucky for us, Standard has plenty of weenies with tons of variety. A recent trend for this archetype over the past few years is to play one-drops with flying. In past seasons we saw Healer's Hawk and in the present Standard, we have threats like Battlefield Raptor and Faerie Guidemother. Zendikar Rising brought us Kitesail Cleric, I'm super high on this card as it can be aggressive as a vanilla 1/1 flier but kicking it to tap down two important blocks can help us finish the game. We also have some protection with Selfless Savior and Alseid of Life's Bounty. Alsied gives us protection which can snuff out removal or be use aggressively to make a threat unblockable. Selfless Savior is better in the sense that can protect from target removal that destroys and can save a creature from a board wipe that isn't Extinction Event, but most importantly you don't need to leave mana up to use it. These are in here mostly for niche situations and protecting Clarion Spirit which is the best card in our deck. To finish off the weenies we have Codespell Cleric and Garrison Cat. Codespell Cleric is actually pretty good as we'll be able to play a flier on turn one and then double spell on turn two to get the +1/+1 counter on the creature that can attack. Garrison Cat is here to be our Hunted Witness proxy. A creature that replaces itself is very good at trading with small creatures or leaving a body behind after a board wipe. We only have a pair of the Cat in the deck but you can add more of these depending on the meta. Powerhouse Weenies
As we've mentioned already Clarion Spirit is the best card in the deck by far. As long as we have cards in hand we can pump out extra 1/1's, and they have flying! This allows us to keep going wide which makes our anthems way better, and we can close out the game in the air with the spirits. Daybreak Chimera is very deadly as a two-mana 3/3 flier when we have enough devotion and we can make it massive with our pump effects and anthems. Throughout my testing, I always felt like the card holds its own and it actually dodges some common removal such as Stomp and Eliminate.
Overall the deck is a lot of fun and very affordable. You can definitely take the deck through Gold and Platinum as it can push through very quick wins. Feel free to browse the rest of the site for more articles and videos, as well as links to our Twitch, Discord, and social media. Thanks so much for reading and joining the Fellowship! Also stay tuned for the next deck in this No Rares Needed series.

4 Kitesail Cleric (ZNR) 20
4 Battlefield Raptor (KHM) 3
4 Codespell Cleric (KHM) 7
2 Daybreak Chimera (THB) 10
2 Banishing Light (THB) 4
1 Kabira Takedown (ZNR) 19
18 Plains (ZNR) 267
4 Heraldic Banner (ELD) 222
4 Faerie Guidemother (ELD) 11
2 Garrison Cat (IKO) 14
4 Clarion Spirit (KHM) 6
1 Fearless Fledgling (ZNR) 15
4 Basri's Solidarity (M21) 10
2 Daybreak Charger (M21) 14
1 Alseid of Life's Bounty (THB) 1
2 Selfless Savior (M21) 36
1 Makindi Stampede (ZNR) 26