Whimsur was one of the Pokemon appearing in the wild during the Pokemon Home event, and we managed to get ourselves a good PvP IV Exploud. This is all about bringing the spice for the Catch Cup and playing something way outside of the box. I have no idea how this is going to go so let's first see what Exploud is capable of and what moves it can learn.
Firstly, what I like about Exploud is how cheap it is to get. It only takes 12 candies to evolve a Whismur and then 50 more to evolve Loudred. Secondly, it has a cheap 10k stardust unlock cost so we can get the second charge move easily. As a normal type, it should have a good amount of safe matches and we'll be using it as a safe switch. This will make more sense once we go through the moveset.
The plan here is simple. Switch into Exploud if we lose lead and then Fire Blast the opponent out of the game. Exploud is pretty squishy so we need the opponent to not shield. This isn't unlikely, as experienced battlers will let a move go through if they're unsure to preserve the shield. This is what we're banking on so that we can near one shot with Fire Blast. For that reason, we're running Astonish instead of Bite, as it generates the most energy. We're also running Crunch for more coverage.
We'll be streaming some games with Exploud later tonight if you want to see some Fire Blasts land on some poor unsuspecting opponents. So come hang out with us on stream over on Twitch to see the spicy pick in action. Follow us on Instagram to stay notified for future streams and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for some awesome vlogs and more PvP content. Join our Discord and let us know what spicy picks you've been running in the Catch Cup. Thanks for reading and stay spicy!
