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Roselia Community Day Prep Guide

Writer's picture: Dakota RicciDakota Ricci

It seems like Machop Community day was just yesterday, but nonetheless, February Community day is coming this Sunday, February 7, from 11:00, am to 5:00 pm. This month Roselia is featured, and it is getting now one, but two exclusive moves those being Bullet Seed as a fast move and Weather Ball (Fire) as a charged move. So if you want to take advantage of this Community Day and get yourself a shiny Roserade with these moves the time to start preparing is now. General Tips

Pokeballs are always the most important part of preparing for Community Day. You'll need about 500 to play the whole event, give or take 200 depending on how dedicated you are. Roselia can have quite high Cp, so Great and Ultra balls will help secure that catch best, so prioritize those. I might just be unlucky, but Pokeballs have seemed to be lacking in gifts, unfortunately, so getting out there (if possible) and spinning Pokestops is probably the best way of stocking up. Storage is also very important for Community Days. Not as important because you can transfer as you go, but this takes time away from catching so it's not ideal. As much as you can get rid of is best, keeping all the important mons such as raid attackers, Pvp IVs, and of course your shinies. I won't be catching as much this Community Day as I do on the days with bonus stardust, so I'm aiming for 300-500. This number will be vastly different considering your storage size, but just keep in mind "The more, the better".


  • 1/4 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed into an Incubator during the event period

  • Incense activated during the event will last for three hours


  • Roselia will be appearing more frequently in the wild. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!

  • Evolve Roselia during the event or up to two hours afterward to get a Roserade that knows both the Charged Attack Weather Ball (Fire-type ) and the Fast Attack Bullet Seed.

  • Take a few snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!

  • Event-exclusive Timed Research will be available! By completing these Timed Research tasks, you’ll be able to earn Sinnoh Stones.

  • There’ll be a special one-time-purchase Roselia Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins, featuring an Elite Fast TM, four Incense, four Super Incubators, and 30 Ultra Balls.

  • For US$1 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the Roselia Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, Stop and Smell the Roselia. Remember, Trainers—if you purchase a ticket for the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto event by Wednesday, February 3, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PST (GMT −8), you’ll get this Special Research story for free!

  • Budew will be hatching from 2 km Eggs.

1/4 hatched distance is blessed when the baby form of the featured Pokemon is in eggs. The only way to get the shiny of these baby forms is by hatching them, and Community Day is the only time it's boosted to an acceptable level. So if you want that shiny, it's now or never. There are 4 super incubators included in the Community Day Box, but I would hate to waste these on 2km eggs that are already reduced. Although they are useful for clearing ou the eggs you already have to make room for the event 2kms. 3-Hour incense is a great bonus, as having an incense active the whole event is pretty much required. You could get away with not having one on if you're in a place with lots of Pokestops and spawns, but more spawns is always better. If you're playing from home, it is 100% required. We are lucky to have a large number of spawns in the house, but even these run out quickly, and most of the event turns out to be just playing off of incense spawns. There is 4 incense in the Event Box, which will net you 2 to use after the event. You could also use them during the event to make them last 3 hours each if you're up for playing Pokemon Go for 12 hours straight.

This Community Day is very unique in the fact that Roserade is getting 2 exclusive moves. Bullet Seed and Weather Ball (Fire) are both fantastic moves, so hopefully with is the push Roserade needs to break out into the Go Battle League. Dakota will be writing an article later today that will take a look at Roserade's full potential with these new moves.

Make sure to have a great buddy hanging out with you this Community Day for the catch assist bonus. Whenever they help you catch a Roselia, reward them with a snapshot, you might just clutch of an extra shiny! The other way to potentially get an extra shiny is the special research story, Stop and Smell the Roselia. This ticket costs $0.99 but will be free to those who have already bought the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto ticket. One more thing to keep in mind is that you can earn some Sinnoh stones by completing Feild Research tasks during the event. These are required to evolve a Roselia so if you don't have any be sure to get out there! Don't spin before 11:00 am though as you won't get the event field research.

The Community day box always contains items relevant to the event bonus, so it's usually worth picking up. Incense is always required so it's included, and the incubators help with hatching a Budew. 30 Ultra Balls is always huge since they help secure a shiny when you encounter one. The chance to grab an Elite Tm is always worth taking advantage of. The only other way to get them right now is as an end-of-season reward in Go Battle League, but this is not enough to keep up with how many exclusive moves there are out there. You're now fully prepared for the event! If you want to flex any shinies you've managed to snag because of these tips, we have a place for that in our Discord. When quarantine is not a thing, we post our Community Day vlogs on our YouTube Channel, so go give that a subscribe to get notified when we start posting again. Follow us on Instagram for updates on everything we're up to. We stream consistently on Twitch, we would love for you to come hang out with us. Thanks for reading, good luck this Comm Day, and thanks for Joining the Fellowship!

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