The Retro Cup meta is shaping up to be one of the most exciting metas since the Halloween Cup. Removing the newer types in Steel, Dark, and Fairy opens up the meta in new and exciting ways. Dragons and Psychic no longer have any types that resist them, and Ice types don't have Steels to shut them down. Lick users, Counter users, Dragons, and Psychics will be running wild with Ice types lurking in the background to keep the Dragons in check. Today we'll be utilizing Snorlax on the lead and pairing it with double typings in the back. So lay down and get comfortable as we go through these two Snorlax teams for the Retro Cup. Don't fall asleep though because we'll have to find a Poke Flute to wake you up! And as always, a thanks to pvpoke.com for all of the ranking and match up information. Snorlax Double Dragons

Dragons are back to their original hard counters with those only being Ice types and other Dragons. Some Charmers still exist like Gallade and Cinccino but they are rare and aren't true Fairies that resist Dragon Breath. Snorlax is here to catch Ice types with Superpower and can Lick down Froslass which is a huge threat to Altaria. Kingdra makes for a great safe switch compared to the other Dragons because of its Water typing. This allows it to take neutral damage from the Ice types which means we can put up a decent fight if the opponent swaps into it. We're hoping Kingdra draws out the Ice type so that Altaria can sweep the end game. It is likely that we'll draw out the Ice type since Superpower on Snorlax is something they'll want to avoid and Lick makes Froslass want to avoid that match-up. Snorlax with Superpower can also cover Regirock in the back which is a hard counter to our Altaria. Overall maintaining alignment is important for Snorlax to handling the Ice types and other counters to our Dragons. Snorlax Double Psychic

Confusion damage can be oppressive in completely open leagues and will be especially dangerous in Retro Cup with the absence of Steels and Darks. Ghost does not resist Psychic so Confusion damage is a solid strategy. So our backline is Cresselia on the swap with good coverage with Grass Knot and Moonblast, and we have Confusion Hypno with Thunder Punch and Shadow Ball in the back. Our biggest threat to our Psychic backline are the Normal Lick users and Ghost types, so we have Snorlax to wall those down. Snorlax being weak to Fighters on the lead is no problem with us having two answers to cover that down the line. This team is super bulk and has enough coverage to keep the meta in check.
Snorlax is a fantastic Lick user but the undisputed best option is XL Lickitung. Reaching level 50 is a massive advantage and gives Lickitung super impressive bulk. I'm using Snorlax as a Lickitung alternative, but there are additional options if Snorlax is out of your reach of resources. Munchlax and Lickilicky are the other two option available but they come with their own upsides and downsides. Munchlax is a fantastic investment for open Great League as it is a fantastic safe switch option their with Bulldoze for coverage. Unfortunately for Munchlax the lack of Steels means that Bulldoze lacks coverage it normally has with Snorlax with Superpower has much better coverage. Lickilicky can be powered up with no XL candy needed and having access to Shadow Ball helps it hit really hard against the Psychics. Unfortunately Body Slam is legacy which might hold it back from being considered if you aren't willing to spend the Elite TM.
Overall I think these teams are super awesome and pretty unique from other teams I've played in the a Great League variation. Snorlax is a very thicc daddy and is a strong investment for Kanto Cup and Ultra League. Double Dragons will shred through a lot of teams if they only have one answer, and double Psychic looks super strong. Stay tuned for more teams throughout the week and catch some games live on Twitch. For links to our Twitch and everything else then check out the homepage of the site, and browse the site for more articles and videos. Thanks so much for reading and for joining the Fellowship. Best of luck during the Retro Cup!
