Blue has long been one of the most beloved meme archetypes in Magic's History. We've had some crazy runs in tournaments from rogue players over the years, but never has a Mill deck functioned competitively before. That is until both Throne of Eldraine and Zendikar Rising gave the archetype the push it needed, by giving the deck the tools to draw cards and control the board long enough to mill out the opponent. Today we'll be going through the deck I've been streaming over on Twitch as I ranked through Gold. The deck is super budget-friendly with it only costing common and uncommon wild cards! It runs super smooth and it actually mills! We won every game by milling and this can deck is capable of winning plenty of matchups. At the end of the article, I will recommend some cards to take the deck to another level if you're willing to spend some rare wild cards.
Teferi's Tutelage and Into the Story are the center pieces of the deck. Teferi's Tutelage pushes us in the direction of wanting to be drawing cards constantly and gives us a way to mill every turn which is very important. Into the Story is a very powerful card draw spell and is really what puts the deck over the top in terms of playability. We can use it to draw four cards to help us dig for answers and mills in multiples of eight when we have Tutelage on the battlefield. This allows us to close out the game fast if our opponent is able to threaten our life total. It being an instant makes it play well with all of the counterspells we have to hold up and having that flexibility really helps the deck come together. We're also running a pair of Omen of the Sea and Frantic Inventory for more card draw triggers on our Tutelage. Other Mill Cards
Ruin Crab was another key mill card added to Standard, and it gives us another way to mill cards every turn. Evolving Wilds is our fetch land of choice gives us multiple triggers. Assembling a board state with a couple of Crabs in play puts the opponent on a serious card, and we have our card draw spells to help us hit land drops every turn. Merfolk Secretkeeper does fantastic work by willing four cards with the Venture Deeper half and then coming back as a 0/4 to wall early creatures. Relic Golem is quite essential to the deck as a blocker against larger creatures. Being able to block a Lovestruck Beast or Bonecrusher Giant is huge, and makes it much better than Vantress Gargoyle. Interaction
As a mono-blue deck, we have tons of counterspells and bounce effects. Didn't Say Please is our Cancel that also mills three and we have Anticognition for creatures and planeswalkers. We also have a pair of Jwari Disruption to catch early plays and to get a little bit of extra value out of our mana base. We also fit a pair of Negate which is very important for countering The Great Henge and Embercleave, but most importantly Doom Foretold. For "removal" we have Into the Roil to bounce any nonland permanent and can replace itself if we kick it. Stern Dismissal is our bad Unsummon but it gets the job done against creatures. Sideboard
In the sideboard, we have some for focused counterspells with Essence Scatter for creature decks and Mystical Dispute for anything touching blue. Miscast is an interesting pick and I have found it useful for counter wars against the control decks. Rewind is also for those grindy control matchups as it allows us to counter something while also deploying our card advantage spells. For board interaction, we have more copies of Into the Roil and Lullmage's Domination. Covetous Urge attacks the opponent's hand and gets value from it which again helps in those grindy matchups. Upgrades
Starting with the mana base, Castle Vantress can help scry you out of some bad situations and Fabled Passage is a strict upgrade over Evolving Wilds. I'd probably play the playset of Fabled Passage while also keeping in an Evolving Wilds or two to help with deck thinning and for more Ruin Crab triggers.
Mazemind Tome is one of the most powerful card advantage spells currently in Standard. Drawing a card every turn adds overall more consistency to the deck and Mazemind Tome gives the deck a way to gain life which is very crucial in aggressive matchups.
Shark Typhoon strikes me as a good sideboard option against creature decks such as Gruul Adventures. Making a chump blocker that cycles at instant speed seems very powerful. It also scales up the longer the game goes and could potentially trade for a creature. That's going to do it for our super budget mono blue mill deck for Standard. The deck has been tons of fun and wins against many of the top decks of the format. If you want to see the deck in action then follow us on Twitch where we play every Monday night. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more Magic content such as video deck techs and tabletop gameplay which is coming soon. Join our Discord where you can share decklists and chat about the Kaldheim spoilers that are rolling out. Lastly, follow us on Instagram for updates to all of our content. Thanks so much for reading and for joining the Fellowship.