Community Day is one of the most sacred events for us players in Pokemon Go. It is a day that brings us all together with a basically guaranteed chance at collecting the featured shiny Pokemon. Not to mention that the bonuses are some of the very best in the entire game. In the earlier years of Pokemon Go, we had a general pattern to follow and we were usually able to predict the next couple of Comm Days. We always got the starters of the most recently debuted generation along with the most popular Pokemon of that generation that had three evolutions. 2020 broke that mold with no Unova starters and then mostly Kanto region Pokemon. We had voting options for a bit but it was later dropped and the whole process started to feel random. Thankfully we got Snivy now in 2021 which hopefully indicates that the return of starters, but unfortunately we also saw Pokemon put behind some form of a paywall. These are the Pokemon that are only available in raids, eggs, are big attractions for events, or in some cases are just insanely rare in the wild. We'll dive into these examples in a bit, but today Sue Ann and I(Dakota) will be presenting our individual lists for the ten Pokemon we think are most deserving of a Comm Day, but first let us establish some ground rules. We want a Pokemon that is adored and has a shiny that is highly desirable, needs a new move to spice things up and would make the Pokemon more accessible for Go Battle League. Cash Cows $$ Like we mentioned earlier, some of the more "rare" Pokemon have been put behind some form of paywall. The Pokemon that we out in this category are Timbur, Klink, Deino, Axew, Gible, Shinx, and Riolu. These are the Pokemon that are either exclusive to raids, eggs, or are the main attractions for events. If you want these Pokemon shiny then you'll have to spend the money on raids or buy incubators to hatch them during events. Of course, you could always use the daily free raid pass and only the infinite incubator, but you'll have to get insanely lucky to clutch up the shiny. Axew doesn't even have a shiny released yet but is still very hard to obtain. This entire list of Pokemon would very easily populate the top lists but Niantic has made it clear that we will not be getting these Pokemon featured in Comm Day anytime soon. Once upon a time we got the likes of Larvitar, Beldum, and Bagon all of which are pseudo legendaries. As sad as this is for us fans of the game we have other awesome options to look forward to. Dakota's Top 10 #10 Marill

Azumarill us till one of the best Pokemon for open Great League and giving it a Comm Day would make it available to a larger portion of the player base looking to get into PvP. Some people might not want Azu increasing in popularity because of how dominant it is, but I think it is definitely worth it if that means more people are then playing in the Go Battle League. Niantic could also put shiny Azurill in 2km eggs as they did with Magby, Elekid, and Budew. #9 Tympole

I'm actually a huge fan of Seismitoad as I think Mud Boys play an important role in the Great League meta, and a new move could help increase its 57.4% win rate. I'm also a huge fan of the shiny toad and would love to catch a bunch of them. Not being too rare while also not being too common of a Pokemon puts it in the sweet spot of potential candidates for Niantic, and the shiny is stunning in my opinion so hopefully, people would agree. #8 Starly

Let's be honest here, Gen Four was done dirty for Comm Days. Sure we got the starters, but not only did we not get any other Pokemon from this beloved generation, but we also have to endure Gible being put behind paywall bars. Naw, Starly is one of my favorite starter birds ever and deserves a day dedicated to it. Staraptor is also kind of a lowkey beast in PvP with Brave Bird and Close Combat as nuke moves. Perhaps it could get a bait move like Sky Attack, or a fast move to generate energy like Gust. Niantic did have Starly in a dropped voting pool so I have hope for this dope bird. Either way, Staraptor is a nostalgia pick and Gen Four was done dirty for real. Speaking of which... #7 Shinx

Where the fuck is Shinx at?!? I completely disagree with Shinx being relegated to only raid encounters and we should get it in a Comm Day. In Diamond and Pearl Shinx was one of the first Pokemon you could catch. It was not rare at all and we should be able to encounter it in the wild in Pokemon Go. Is the shiny sexy? Yes. Does that mean it should be kept to only raids? Of course not. The only thing that slaps harder than shiny Shinx is the Gen 4 soundtrack! It is bad enough that we didn't get Gible Comm Day so do us a solid Niantic and give us that Shinx Comm Day. #setshinxfree #6 Poliwag

The tadpole tribe is back with Poliwag joining the list. I'm a big advocate for giving Pokemon with multiple evolution options a Comm Day since we need multiple of that shiny. Poliwag in my opinion the best choice for this type of Pokemon as Politoad has become an absolute beast in the Go battle League. Poliwrath is no slouch either so getting access to both of these mons would be powerful additions to our rosters. The shinies look incredible as well with both green Hulk Poliwrath and the awesome purple and blue fruit rollup Politoad likely to give huge hype to the event. #5 Lotad

Lotad seems like another slam dunk for a future Comm Day. It has a sick shiny and a Comm Day would help players in regions with little rain who struggle to find this Pokemon in the wild. To some people Lotad is one of the rares shinies in the game if you live somewhere warm like California so Niantic should even the playing field and give everyone a chance at the shiny. Also, poor Ludicolo had both Bubble and Razor Leaf nerfed so maybe we could bless this mon up with a new move. #4 Togetic

Personally, I would just do Togepi but to be fair Niantic has never had baby Pokemon in the wild so Togetic will have to do. Of course, you could then put Togepi in 2km eggs. I would take this as Comm Day would give us a good chance at getting shiny Togepi, and Togekiss is a very important Pokemon. It sees play in all three leagues and I think it would be exciting to see it get a new move. I have a feeling that trainers are really looking forward to a potential Togetic Comm Day so fingers crossed that Niantic pulls the trigger on it. #3 Litwick

The picks are getting spicy with Litwick making the top three. Litwick would slot perfectly into the October Comm Day slot, especially if it came before the Halloween events that usually feature Litwick in the wild. Although Litwick is used in events sparingly, I think Litwick Comm Day would be a massive hit with us players and is just possible enough to happen. #2 Aron

While Sue Ann and I were going through all of the potential Comm Day options we began to feel that Aron seemed like a super realistic option. Shiny Aron is very popular among us trainers plus you could debut Mega Aggron, much like how we're getting Mega Altaria during Swablu Comm Day. I'm also a Gen 3 Mark and Aron has always been one of my absolute favorites Pokemon from that objectively far superior generation. Aggron also puts in good work in the Ultra League despite everyone treating it like a meme. For that reason, I would be stoked to see it gain an exclusive move to help it get the recognition it deserves. #1 Gible

Of course, it was Gible! It will always be Gible! I know we put it on the cash cow list earlier, but screw it this pick is to make a statement. The statement being that we should not have some of our favorite Pokemon locked behind paywalls. Give us that shiny Gible and slap a sweet move on Garchomp while you're at it. #justiceforgen4 #giveusgible Sue Ann's Top 10 #10 Bidoof

Hi everybody Sue Ann here making my article debut! I decided to go full meme out the gate with Bidoof Comm Day. Shiny Bidoof is the stuff of meme legend and to be honest the shiny is long overdue. Please Niantic make the meme dream happen and give us that shiny Bidoof! #9 Shinx

I also agree that Shinx should be more available and a Comm Day would be the perfect place. Shiny Shinx is one of the most beautiful shinies in the game and it would be huge if Niantic made it official. #8 Chinchou

A bit of a spicy pick here, Chinchou has a gorgeous shiny and is quite rare. Besides being a shiny everyone would love to have, Lantern is still a viable option in the Great League and a Comm Day would make Lantern more available. #7 Aron

Aron Comm Day seems inevitable at this point and that red-eyed shiny is something that would get the trainers excited. It makes sense to debut Mega Aggron that day and Dakota can shut up about Aggron getting a new move. #6 Gothita

I will admit that Shiny Gothitelle is a bit lackluster, but I do love Gothita and I also think this Comm Day is inevitable. It is always hype when a new shiny debuts and I hope we get Gothita Comm Day in the near future. #5 Dwebble

This is a super spicy pick here but I think it is totally possible. Shiny Dwebble is an awesome shiny and Crustle is a strong Pokemon in the Go Battle League. For me, this ticks all of the boxes for what a Comm Day Pokemon should be and I think it would catch everyone by surprise. #4 Nidorans

Nidoqueen and Nidoking are both Pokemon I really like and would love to see them get a Comm Day. You could have a lot of fun here with them both in one day alternating every hour or you could have two Comm Days as we saw with Magmar and Electabuzz. Obviously, we had some circumstances that led to that double Comm Day month, but I still think it would make sense to do them around the same time. It would be up to Niantic to figure this out but I would still love to see both Nidorans get a Comm Day. #3 Roggenrola

You would be lying if you told me that you wouldn't want a Roggenrola Comm Day. That shiny is so amazing and it would awesome to see everyone get their hands on it. It would be huge if we actually got this, so Niantic please make it happen. #2 Marill

Although Marill might be a shiny a lot of people already have, having the Marill candies to have a PvP Azumarill is a different story. I think it would be huge for the PvP community to have Azumarill accessible to almost everyone and would greatly help new players enter the Go Battle League. Put shiny Azurill in 2km eggs as a bonus and would make for a super fun Comm Day for everyone. #1 Feebas

The spice ain't over yet! Shiny Feebas would be a massive Comm Day draw with everyone desperate to get that shiny Milotic. Niantic would need to help us get around the walking distance Feebas needs to evolve but I'm sure they would figure something out. Feebas Comm Day would be the most anticipated Comm Day we've had in a very long time.
Those are my and Sue Ann's individual top 10 lists for Pokemon we think deserve a Community Day. Let us know what you thought of our picks and who's list was your favorite? Thanks to everyone who watched the podcast episode that went alongside this, it was fun to make and we hope you enjoyed it. Thanks also for reading this article and joining the Fellowship. Check out our homepage for links to our Instagram, Discord, Twitch, and YouTube Channel! Have an awesome day and see you in the next article!
