Every new set is an exciting time for us fans of the Pauper format as we gain new toys in the undercard of the newest set. Kaldheim brings with it exciting option from vehicles and equipment, to powerful creatures and Snow permanents. Today we'll be going through my top picks for cards likely to see play in Pauper from Kaldheim. Although this isn't the most dedicated Pauper set like Commander Legends, we do have some spice to talk about. Honorable Mention
Funeral Longboat is the newest addition to the list of cheap vehicles in pauper. Pauper has some use for cheap vehicles such as Night Market Lookout in rogue decks. Sky Skiff is the obvious competition for Funeral Longboat but perhaps we could find a deck with room for both. Boros vehicles could be a spicy deck with creatures such as Ardent Recruit and Auriok Sunchaser has potential and a deck like this could make use of both cheap vehicles. #5
Starting off with something simple we have Battlefield Raptor. The decks that will appreciate this card are mono white aggro decks. Decks that utilize cards like Guardian's Pledge, Martyr's Soul, and Daybreak Chimera. Rustwing Falcon is a creature that is included in decks like these and Battlefield Raptor is a strict upgrade with that first strike ability. So if you're looking for an aggressive one drop for your Daybreak Chimera aggro deck, then Battlefield Raptor could make the cut. #4
Stalwart Valkyrie is an interesting card to analyze. It reads much like a white Bone Picker but requires one additional mana, doesn't have deathtouch, and doesn't benefit from your opponent having a creature die. I'm also not sure why you would play a sac deck that doesn't include Bone Picker, and if you have black in your deck you might as well be playing Bone Picker. I'm curious to see if a deck might be interested in running up to eight copies of Bone Picker. All in all, this is definitely a card powerful enough to hang in pauper but is there a deck that wants to use this alongside Bone Picker. #3
I am unbelievably hyped for Priest of the Haunted Edge. I'm not really concerned with mono black control using this, I'm excited for this in Pauper's greatest tribe, Zombies! Having a two-mana 0/4 can hold the fort down to set up of Gempalm Polluter and Ghoulcaller's Chant turns while being an excellent removal spell. The only real cost to play the Priest is to switch our swamps with Snow-Covered versions which is just fine. Priest is likely to be a powerful sideboard card for grindy creature matchups where we have the time to recur it for a repeatable removal spell. #2
Bind the Monster is actually an insane removal spell printed for Pauper. A removal spell like this is huge for blue decks and is comparable to Dismember. Tapping down something huge like Gurmag Angler isn't super ideal, but it is totally reasonable to slap this on an opposing Delver of Secrets. Losing three life to take out that kind of threat is definitely worth it and I believe this will see play in some numbers in almost every blue deck. One mana is too efficient to ignore so be on the lookout for this card while you're playing against blue decks.
These lands in the number one slot should not come as a surprise. Skred decks have been a staple of Pauper and these will be replacing the typical dual lands. The basic land typing is huge for decks running Farseek effects as they will be able to tutor for dual lands. Three color decks are difficult to pull off in Pauper so I'm hoping this flexibility with Farseek effects could help make these decks easier to build. These lands are a huge deal for the Pauper format and will be seeing serious play moving forward. That does it for our top five cards likely to see play in the Pauper format. Thanks so much for reading this list and if you're looking for more Pauper content then go subscribe to our YouTube channel. There we have deck techs where we highlight both staple decks of the format and our homebrews. We're also working towards getting some tabletop gameplay for you to enjoy. We also stream Magic Arena every Monday night so come check us out on Twitch and hang out with us. Thanks again for reading and for joining the Fellowship!