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Top 5 Pauper Cards: Zendikar Rising

Writer's picture: Dakota RicciDakota Ricci

Updated: Nov 10, 2020

Pauper has had some exciting additions in recent times from sets such as Jumpstart and Double Masters. Bone Picker, Abrade, and Cast Down are a few of those cards. However, the decks in Pauper are tight and change very gradually over time and it is almost impossible for a single new mechanic to produce new archetypes entirely. With that said, today we'll be looking at the top five cards from Zendikar Rising that are the most likely to see play in the Pauper format. Be it in the already established decks or perhaps allow a new deck to cement itself in the meta.

#5 - Zulaport Duelist

I am a sucker for any cards that will make Mono Blue Mill decks better, and I am even more excited for Pauper Rogues getting new options. Zulaport Duelist is a flash threat for Rogue tribal decks that can be used as a combat trick. I am more excited about it in Mono Blue Mill decks. It has competition in Jace's Phantasm but I can see this as a two-of that comes in to either trade with something bigger than it and mills two cards in the process. Nothing too flashy, but at the very least something to experiment with.

#4 - Akoum Hellhound

Landfall aggro decks were some of my first experiences in the Pauper format. Kor Skyfisher and Steppe Lynx are the reason to be in white and a deck with Akoum Hellhound being a color shifted version of the latter makes me very optimistic for a Boros Landfall deck to emerge. Splashing green for Groundswell and Crop Rotation seems like a legitimate option, especially because of the new dual lands such as Thriving Grove and the fetchlands like Evolving Wilds. I sincerely hope that Akoum Hellhound is enough to elevate landfall aggro decks and allow them to be legitimate threats.

#3 - Spare Supplies

Spare Supplies is a new option for decks that utilized Golden Egg in decks like Boros Monarch. This isn't the most exciting entry on the list but it will possibly mix up the numbers of these kinds of cards in "egg" strategy decks. Situations where you would rather have that extra card draw, instead of mana, is when you're going to want this. Expect some tweaking of the numbers in those archetypes.

#2 - Feed the Swarm

If 2020 weren't crazy enough, now we live in a world where mono black has main deck access to enchantment removal. Paying life to kill creatures isn't that big of a deal in a format full of cheap creatures such as Delver of Secrets and Thraben Inspector. Sure Gurmag Angler and Mulldrifter are very popular, but with Gray Merchant of Asphodel in your deck you will be shrugging off the life loss most of the time. Most importantly, Feed the Swarm offers Mono Black Control decks answers to enchantments coming from Boggles and Heroic decks. Not to mention other annoying cards like Tortured Existence and Pestilence. Feed the Swarm is a very exciting addition to the Pauper format and will see play for years to come.

#1 - Cleansing Fire

Suck it, Tron. Everyone who isn't a soulless monster is well aware of how annoying Tron is and this card is our new savior. Molten Rain has been a staple of red sideboards and Geomancer's Gambit has a card specially designed for Pauper and this is a cheaper copy. Tron decks aren't running very many basic lands so this will do serious work if the opponent has an especially greedy mana base. Cleansing Wildfire will be a staple in red sideboards moving forward and the mana discount provides a cheaper option for those aggro deck which allows them to add more pressure on the opponent

Zendikar Rising is an exceptional set in terms of providing a meaningful impact on the Pauper format. Feed the Swarm and Cleansing Wildfire will be staples moving forward and provide their decks with better coverage. Spare Supplies is a modest card but it will add more options to already established archetypes. Akoum Hellhound and the landfall decks that could come from it have me very excited and hopefully, my thoughts on Zulaport Duelist hold some weight. Comment on this article which cards you are the most excited about that didn't make our list. If you're interested in Pokemon Go a new article is coming tomorrow for the Halloween Cup that is coming to the Go Battle League. Make sure to go follow us on social media to stay up to date on all of our content and join the fellowship

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